
  • Download Film Soe Hok Gie
    카테고리 없음 2020. 1. 25. 09:00
    Download Film Soe Hok Gie

    Gie is a 2005 Indonesian film directed by Riri Riza. The film tells the story of Soe Hok Gie, a graduate from University of Indonesia who is known as an activist and nature lover. The film is based on a diary Catatan Seorang Demonstran written by Soe himself.

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    Soe Hok Gie is an activist who lived in the sixties. Set in the darkest era of Indonesian modern history, GIE is an interpretation of what happened based on his journal. He is a history student when his world stretches between politics and personal life. A critical young man, he sounds his great concerns about his collapsing nation. Yet, he is sensitive and romantic.


    He loves to explore the mountains, to admire the great beauty of nature. His life is a clash between the high drama of national political events and the small world of friendship and romance. He is falling apart when he sees that his constant battle for justice and truth gives labor to another dictatorial regime, and caused the massacre of millions suspected communists, including his childhood friend. He continues to fight but his uncompromised idealism drives people away. His best friends left him. The woman he loves rejects him.

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    From time to time, nature is a place where Gie finds peace and it's where his life comes to. This movie was one of my highly anticipated movie, but the result turns me down.basically, the plot is some what boring because of the inconstancy story narration makin its very confusing for me to follow the flow of the main character GIE, at the opening of this movie i already cant understand the whereabouts of gie, so pluralistic but cover almost nothing of gies unique personal background, the question in multidimensional opening scene that it has to cover the 'who-why' aspect not just the who part and the why part, which to avoid an misinterpretation. Riri riza should have done more research on the issue of gie especially on hes mind set,in my perspective he himself doesn't understand GIE stand point way of mind where logically how can you expect hem to let the viewer know gie if he himself doesn't understand gie, which in the end he makes the looks of GIE struggle and stand point looks completely naive. I understand the task in directing GIE is a hard task you have to know and understand philosophy to create the perfect composition of GIE, not just plainly adapting it from hes book which by the way is only a simple diary, plain adaptation of gie is which i think creates the roots of the storyline-disorder of this movie. The poor artistic value and the unmet tone color of the movie,even more makes me unattached to the movie, a more effort should have been done in both of the department, but overall i do appreciate riri riza and the gang for the moral effort of even have the boldness to picture a story like this,salute. 'How a person masters his fate is more important than what his fate is'.wilhem van Humboldt.

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